17 December 2008

A Grand Finale

So, I've decided to do away with this blog. I'm not seeing the return I want, and have concerns that I'm just posting my designs and enabling others to produce the product for their benefit. I hope you've enjoyed seeing some of the work I try to do. I'm working to get a website set up -and I'll post that address when I have it- that will be more user-friendly and hopefully more professional-looking. Any suggestions? I've love to have them.

Here's some vinyl I did for a friend recently. Her twins were born in October and we put this up on the wall of her nursery. The bee and dragonfly images were created using some images that are on the Winnie the Pooh quilts that surround what I put up. Enjoy!

12 November 2008

Santa- define good, 18x4", $13.25

This is a 2-color (black and white) design to be applied to a board -18" wide by 4" tall- painted red.


10 November 2008

Family tree of nuts, 16.5x6.5", $29.25

I have prepared a wooden sign with a routered edge. I painted it kind of a sage green and sanded the edges to make more of an antiqued look. Then, applied these three colors of vinyl, dark green, brown, and light brown.


08 November 2008


In place of today's design I will be quietly begging for feedback, and venting a little. Can anyone PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- (sorry for all the 'E's, but that's begging after all, right?) -EEEEEEEEEEEASE offer some feedback????! ...On a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g.
I've put most other things in my life aside for the past two weeks in order to focus on preparations for a craft fair today. I have done one other craft fair (a couple years ago, and in a different state) selling solely 4x8" glass blocks with vinyl on the front and ribbon tied around. I walked away with everything I took; I DIDN'T SELL ONE THING. Now that I'm in a new location with no one around me doing decorative vinyl I anticipated I'd have much more success than the last attempt. Well, at least a little more success. Again, I DIDN'T SELL ONE THING! For today I created and produced ELEVEN new designs, and offered a few I've created for my "Daily Design" posts. When I've shown others the possibilities of vinyl decor there is lots of excitement and interest, so I don't understand why when I present them with purchasing opportunities, the response I get is them barely glancing over what I'm offering. I even offered two free products and still didn't have any bites. I COULDN'T EVEN GIVE AWAY WHAT I WAS TRYING TO SELL!
I left the craft fair today very disappointed and feeling like a failure. I've put so much of everything into what I do because I'm passionate about it and love designing and seeing those designs come to life rather than images on screen, but I see no return, financial or otherwise. What am I missing? I started this blog with the intent to stay active in designing, as well as generate business and direction with what people want. I've seen NEITHER of those products. I've received just a couple of comments and I really appreciate them. Can I ask for a little more direction?
I see other vinyl businesses flourish and succeed, and I see very little difference in what we offer. I have three very large sign-making machines surrounding me and at my disposal as I sit here. They have barely been used in the nine-ten months they've been in my possession; and, they've DEFINITELY not been used to their full potential.

Is it the marketing aspect I lack? I've hosted "parties" at my house, but got very little response from that. The response I got was not for any of the designs I created and was offering. There were a few custom order that came from people who attended the party.

Do I need to go out of my comfort zone and become the pushy salesperson? I would really rather not. I considered using all the prep from today's endeavor to host another party at my home and offer those products, but just anticipate a house full of awkward tension. Those I would invite would know I wanted to sell them something, and I have concerns that out of obligation they would - but not really desire what they may buy.

Should I offer my prices as a negotiation? I've revised my pricing in the past few months because people would say, "That's it? That's all you're charging me? Does that even cover the cost of supplies? Don't you value your time at all? You need to charge at least a LITTLE for the time you spent designing, revising, and preparing the vinyl." So, I decided I should respect myself a little more and lessen up on the people-pleasing and make it worth my time as well as my family's time. Now I have concerns that people cringe when I tell them my prices, but the price isn't final until the design is final and by then I anticipate they don't feel they can tell me they don't want to pay me what I ask.

How do I handle designs never used? Just last week I went through my "unfinished designs" folder and contacted those who asked for them. For the most part they are orders that people place and I create two to four designs for what they're asking. I email an image of the options and their response is some feedback that requires some modifications of the design. This may continue multiple times, but the design is not finalized to make it to the production phase. And still, even after making follow-up contact these designs are still not in production. As I look back and think about it, it's H-O-U-R-S I've spent with NO return. Do people take what I've designed for them and have it produced elsewhere? Is this just something that comes with the territory, or should I require a deposit before I start on a custom job so the person is committed and has invested enough to drive them to follow-through? The catch is that I much prefer to do custom jobs because I want people to LOVE what is created and not just settle for what I have available.
My perspective is that the possibilities are very close to limitless when it comes to what you can decorate with vinyl. I don't want to spend a lot of time designing just out of the blue unless I know someone will be interested. But, the response I've gotten is "I don't know what can be done" and "Can you give me some ideas?" Hence, the blog. But, I get the idea that people are browsing and run off with my designs to create on their own because the numbers show that I'm getting hits. What do I do?
I really feel discouraged and disappointed tonight, and probably take it as a personal hit more than I should. I really want to be successful and help provide for my family. I really want to see your contentment as you create with vinyl. I really want to improve and feel I am out if my own ideas and look to you for help. If you feel the feedback I need to hear would be hurtful coming from you, please comment anonymously as opposed to not commenting at all. I really need some help, and look to you for it.


07 November 2008

Custom decals for car windows

This was a design I created in order for a proud nana to display something that represents each of her grandchildren. There is a star to represent each one and inside each star their initials are cut out in reverse. Just an example of the many possibilities!

06 November 2008

Hard times pass, 10"x5.5", $7.00

I like this quote a lot, as well as the song it comes from ("These Are the Days"). Again, you can put it on whatever you want, and I'll make it any color you want :).


05 November 2008

Child proof house, 32"x4", $14.00

This is a one-line quote to be applied to a 32" x 4" board, or directly on the walls of your home. It can be produced in the color of your choosing (from the list on the right). Enjoy!

04 November 2008

Merry days Silent nights, 16"x6", $19.50

For this design I have two different layouts. I can't decide which one looks better.

Do you think the "MERRY DAYS" font in #1 looks too busy? I'm afraid #2 looks a little boring and needs a little more excitement, but I don't want it to be unreadable because there's too much frill. Any feedback?

03 November 2008

Pantry, 15.25"x5.25", $10.50

I've found the best designs to put on the interior walls of your home are those to be used year-round, as opposed to seasonal. The vinyl can be removed (although it is not re-usable) so that's not the issue. The time I spend deciding on a design and applying it is not something I want to do often. The "PANTRY" sign can be put directly on the door to the pantry, or placed above the doorway on the wall. I really like to wheat images "cut out" of the letters. To me, the pantry is where most of the sustenance our bodies need is kept, and what better basic sustenance than wheat. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

01 November 2008

Framed names, various sizes, various prices

This is basically a framed piece of scrapbooking paper. We first applied the "E" to the glass, and then "Emma" on top. This gives a little dimension as glass acts as a space between the vinyl and paper. Another option is to apply the vinyl directly to the paper before framing. This was used as a gift for the birth of a new baby, named Emma :).
The colors vary, as can the fonts, as most is decided upon after selecting the paper for the background.


31 October 2008


I've decided to skip today's design and offer a SPECIAL DEAL! All designs with an AUTUMN/FALL or HALLOWEEN label with be available 50% off until midnight tonight, CST. Just click the big "PLACE AN ORDER NOW" text on the right above "Design Catergories" to email me your order, or leave your info in the "Feedback" option at the botton of the post and I'll contact you today. Happy shopping!


30 October 2008

Christmas ornaments, 3"x1", $5.00

Here is a package of four ornaments I purchased at Michaels for less than $5.00, but I can't remember the exact price. They are about 3" in diameter, but are flatted balls so if you turned them sideways you would see they are about 1" thick. Therefore, the surface to which I've applied vinyl wording is fairly flat and quite easy to work with. You can put whatever wording you like, or even an image, in that space. I thought these would be great for children to give their friends for Christmas. Maybe with the friend's name on it, or the school's mascot or "SHS Class of 2009" in high school colors. There are so many possibilities for personalization.
For a single item (word or image) the cost is $5.00, but with more quantity comes less cost. So, if you're intereted let me know and I'll get a specific price to you. Thanks for your interest! I look forward to helping you this holiday season.



So, did anyone notice I've been without posts for a couple days? I've heard from one of you, but wondered about anyone else.
I've taken the time away from designing to improve a couple things on the blog. I've added a color sample chart at right so you know the options and can change the original design colors should you prefer too. Also, please keep in mind that each computer monitor's settings are calibrated a bit differently, so don't take the images you see as definite. I do have vinyl swatches straight off the rolls that can be mailed so you can see the EXACT color of what I have available in order to match existing decor. Just email me and let me know what colors you are considering and they'll be on their way, brought to you by the good ol' USPS.
Also, I thought it would be helpful if I were to label or categorize every design so if you are looking for something specific for your child's bedroom or a Christmas decoration you could find it easily by clicking of the specific link on the right under "Design Categories" and see only those designs that apply.
I've also updated a few previous designs with actual photos rather than the exported images from the design software I use. Those I've updated are: MARRIAGE PLAQUE on Wood Sign Boards, Enjoy the Harvest, and Autumn Turkey.
Thanks for your interest! Happy decorating!


27 October 2008

Ghostly Greetings, 16.75"x5.5", $16.50

This design has a black backdrop (could be a painted wood board), or the colors can be changed in order to put it on a light-colored backdrop.